Thursday, October 22, 2009

Public Transportation

Public transportation.  Oh, how I love thee!  I have become a HUGE fan of public transportation since moving to Scotland.  I loved it in Vienna when I rode the U-bahn all over the place, but it's been awhile since I've left my fate in the hands of a friendly foreigner at the wheel.  I take the bus everywhere.  It's so nice to get to where I need to go, while still being able to get stuff done.  I've taken to reading the newspaper (provided for free on city transportation - woohoo!) in the mornings on my way to class, and I wanted to share a funny tidbit from today's paper.  Nestled amidst heated remarks in the OpEd section was this tiny bit of hilarity, which I hope you enjoy as much as I did: 

"Yet more Scottish films: A Town Like Alyth, Sleepless in Seamill, Last Tango in Partick, Driving Miss Dairsie, Watership Doune, Croy Story, The Killin Fields, Saving Cairnryan, Brora Brora Brora, Passport to Pitsligo, Chitty Chitty Langbank, The Witches of Prestwick, Nicholas Lockerbie, Silence of the Glamis, The 39 Stepps, Forres Gump, Tain-Spotting, Leith Academy 2, The Great Troon Robbery, The Day of the Jackton, Gorgie Par, Clynderella and finally, Crouching Biggar, Hidden Drongan."  - From the Cory 7.42 train gang
Ha!  See what gems I find in the newspaper while enjoying public transportation?!?!  A little piece of literary humor that gets me smiling in the morning.  Lovely.  I'm sure you all figured out the original movies, but in case you didn't get the reference, everything mentioned is a town/village/burgh or city in Scotland.  Brilliant.  In my opinion, The Great Troon Robbery is the best, but that's only because the 1979 version of the original movie is one of my favorites.  The end.


GreenTaiwan said...

Nice work my darling. I leave you alone for an afternoon and you post again. I'm starting to feel like a slacker. Love ya.