Friday, November 13, 2009

When it rains it pours

Lately I have been thinking that I'd like something more productive to do with my time along with looking at grad schools and studying for the GMAT/GRE. I filled out job applications near the end of October and hadn't heard anything back that was overly positive. I received one semi-positive email from Sports Direct to come to 'open interview day.' I thought I should give it a shot, so I went and did alright. I mentioned that I'd worked in sporting equipment before and that I couldn't work Sundays. I left thinking that nothing would come of it but at least I had given it a fair chance. I also sent another email to the Scottish Parliament intern coordinator I had been talking to over the summer. The coordinator got back to me and said she was looking through applications, so I sent her my info again and started praying something would work.

Monday things started to get going. I got an email from Sports Direct offering me a position as a sales assistant. I won't go into the details of the job, mostly because I don't know what they are yet. There is a training meeting Thursday and then I get started. An email arrived from the intern coordinator today and I've been offered an internship. I am excited about earning a little money but even more excited about getting experience working in the Scottish government. Again I don't have many details to share but it will be a great opportunity.

We also got to attend the Preston England Temple last Saturday. It was a pretty amazing week considering I also got a bank account (with a sweet green visa card) and my National Insurance number. These two additions allow me to work legally and receive a paycheck. Life is good in Scotland. Kristen also finished one of her finals this week so we'll be celebrating tomorrow by taking a tour of this great little city.


TheCoys said...

That's so great Steve. Maybe something good did come of your last job in America, if it gave you an edge for the Sports Direct job! That's awesome about the Parliment too. That'll be great experience under your belt. Love you guys!

Penelope Celeste said...

WOW!!! Steve, I am sooo excited for you!!! It just seems like things are really falling into place over there for both you and Kris, and it makes me so happy!!! Good luck with the new job and internship (amazing!), and congrats on getting a bank account and NI#. Quite the process, I know! =) Love you both, and hope to skype soon! xox

Whitney said...

Yay! Congrats, Steve~ that's so exciting! I can't wait to hear about it all. You'll get to meet so many cool people, I'm sure. I'm so glad you guys get to have this amazing adventure together.