Thursday, July 21, 2011


It seems we have some catching up to do.

Steve mentioned the visit from the Riggs family - it was completely awesome - so that brings us to our trip to Texas to see family, friends, and my old stomping grounds while I was a missionary in San Antonio.

We've already shared a bunch of pics on facebook, but for you non-fb peoples, here is the link to see the documentation.

The photos give a pretty good play-by-play of the trip, though some highlights from the trip are conspicuously missing. I might have been pulled over by a cop within an hour of arriving in San Antonio. As I'm writing this, I'm imagining what members of my family will say when they see this. I'm not going to name names, but here's what they'd say:

"Were you at least wearing your seat-belt?"
(just for the record, I ALWAYS wear a seat-belt...)

"Rum-dumb little kid!"

"That lead foot doesn't come from my side of the family."


Each response would, in fact, be justified if I had been pulled over for speeding. But I wasn't - I'm not a total scofflaw. The officer and I chalked it up to technical malfunctions of the vehicle I was operating, so he sent me on my merry way with a warning. It sure was an exciting way to kick off our Texas adventures. The rest is history.


Cullen said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!

"Technical malfunction." I'm liking Texas more and more!